說這些很掃興了,事實是Trainspotting出版後一紙風行,打入Booker Prize最後十強。
1996年的同名電影(迷幻列車)沒有任何角色進行trainspotting的場景,原著小說倒有所指涉。小說末段有一節題為'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station',文中出現了trainspotting一字。

暴力狂Begbie和主角Renton在火車站遇到一老頭,老頭問:o靚仔,在猜火車呀,o下?(What yis up tae lads? Trainspottin, eh?)
這樣一本小說,說的是流氓爛仔的故事,不可能沒有粗口,在'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' 這節短篇求其抽一段對話看看,幾乎沒有一句沒有粗口,而且幾乎全本小說均是如此。
Bebgie pull us aside n droaps his voice
-Ye ken thit Tommy's fuckin sick?
-Aye. Ah'd heard.
-Go n fuckin see the cunt whin yir up
-Aye. Ah plan tae dae that.
-Too fuckin right. You ay aw fuckin people should. Ah'm no fuckin blamin you Rents, ah sais that tae fuckin Second Prize; ah'm no fuckin blamin Rents fir Tommy. It's every cunt's ain fuckin life. Ah fuckin telt that tae Second Prize.
小說的背景設在八十年代的英國,戴卓爾夫人主政的年代。戴卓爾夫人奉行佛利民的自由市場經濟政策,打倒工會,把國企私有化,開放競爭,為倫敦實行金融大改革,而這個稱為1986年的Big Bang,為英國帶來廿年經濟繁榮,倫敦成為全球第一金融中心兼富豪天堂。代價是社會貧富懸殊加劇,戴卓爾夫人在一片咒罵聲中下台。Trainspotting小說不只一次出現以戴卓爾為揶揄、挖諷對象的性愛場景。Irvine Welsh自己便說'As British society changed under the (Margaret) Thatcher '80s, drugs and drink became less recreational and more a way of life because people had fuck all else to do.'
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who need reasons when you've got heroin?
不用服一劑海洛英,也知道Trainspotting電影於1996年上畫後,Renton這一段'Choose Life' speech成為英國經典台詞的原因。伴隨David Bowie, Joy Division, the Pogues, Lou Reed, The Velvet Underground, The Smiths而且特別是Iggy Pop而來帶著一雙迷幻反白眼的Rave culture, 蔓延至每一角落。十七年的保守黨執政,造就了一個由倫敦證券交易所築起的金錢天梯,泰晤士河畔以高樓連成的skyline比紐約的還要眩目,但另一邊廂,社會的磐石底下卻滋生一層無助、無所事事、拿救濟金揮霍的小流氓地衣。
Irvine Welsh捕捉了英國在八十年代戴卓爾主政期間的年青文化和生態,小說比電影好看十倍。
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