Wednesday, February 14, 2007

All You Get From Love Is A Love Song


Beatles "Ask Me Why"
Please Please Me大碟中多首情歌之中,個人最喜歡的一首。
Beatles "Til There Was You" 
Beatles "In My Life"

Beautiful South "Song for Whoever" 
剛(2007年2月)宣布解散的美麗南方樂團最家傳戶曉的情歌,軟硬曾翻唱。女主音Alison Wheeler的聲線渾厚中帶溫柔,可媲美Karen Carpenter。Cover "Dream a little dream" (金莎廣告版本)證明美麗南方和木匠一樣是翻唱聖手。

Bread "If"
荷馬史詩的backdrop,Intro的感覺像泛漾著記憶的漣漪。保羅麥卡尼的"Here, There and Everywhere"打開了soft rock的篇章,大衛蓋茨(David Gates)創作一系如"Diary", "Aubrey"等曲,加上其極富書卷味的唱腔和聲線,將soft rock的精髓發揮到極致。

Take That "How Deep Is Your Love"
翻唱是一門很難的技藝。香港歌星很多時翻唱,編曲都係好求其,即係淨sell歌星把聲,不覺有什麼誠意,但K歌的編曲都係好求其。"How Deep Is Your Love"原本出現在電影《週未狂熱》之中,拿那的版本其實更好聽,更具有流行的元素,就如木匠翻唱別人的歌,搞出來的成品總比原作豐富,或者令原唱聽起來像demo。

Ash "Shining Light"

Pulp "Something Changed"
鏗鏘的結他,流暢的旋律,在以病態prying eye看世界的Different Class大碟中,這是一首突出的歌曲。

Savage Gargen "Truly, Madly, Deeply"
Darren Hayes的一副好嗓子,唱出《真地狂地深地》這首九十年代我最喜愛的情歌。

Arctic Monkeys "Baby, I Am Yours"
燥動的黃毛小子北極猴子怎麼唱出這樣簡單動人的情歌?這首翻唱作品讓人一聽便喜歡到不得了,成為近半年playlist必備曲目之一。尚未能找到在《麥迪遜之橋》中由Barbara Lewis主唱的版本。

Radiohead "Fake Plastic Tree"
消費主義社會下一闕傷感的情歌。If I could BE who you wanted/If I could BE who you wanted/All the time/ all the time/ ohhh... ohh...分崩離析、疏離冷漠,一絲在世界潮流之中沒頂的微弱愛的呼聲。Thom Yorke在錄音室唱完這歌後,崩潰地哭。

Rialto "Milk of Amnesia"
九十年代Britpop尾聲的一股浪漫風暴。 這首尾曲肯是遺珠之作。超塵出世讓人聽得出神。

Suede "This Time"
B-side作品,Brett Anderson筆下一貫的都市景觀,冬天的灰濛濛,車輛碰撞的塵滾滾,hear the city sounds/see the lonely crowd/in the lazy sun/we're the only one。另一首B-side "Europe is our playground"可說延伸之作。

Diana Krall "Let's Fall In Love"
Rod Stewart最近翻唱此曲,感覺像強姦了這首歌,拜託。"Let's Fall In Love"在1954的電影It Should happen To You出現,伴著Judy Holliday的Jack Lemmon即興自彈自唱,窮小子興奮、愉悅,十分滿足的笑容,和歌曲很配;Diana Krall的版本更refined,陽剛味爆燈的Rod Stewart和此歌的delicate感覺完全out of tune。

Dooley Wilson (in the film Casablanca) "As Time Goes By"
The fundamental thing apply/as time goes by,愛情的本質,歷千萬年而不變,發生了的事情,連上帝也不能抹去。凡望成仙,仙亦思凡,塵世永遠都歡迎有情的人。《北非諜影》中保嘉和褒曼不能有情人成眷屬,但原來亂世兒女,除了愛情,情與義,都可以值千金。

Doris Day
"Por Favor"
一代歌后Doris Day是我心目中最靚聲的diva,清澈優雅的聲線,唱出迷醉微醺的感覺。"Dansero"和"Por Favor"是燈下伴舞極之mellow的選擇。"Again", "Bewitched", "My Young and Foolish Heart", "My dreams are getting better all the time", "Move over darling", "Confess"(duet with Buddy Clark), "Love Somebody" (duet with Buddy Clark)等等等,在Doris的演繹下,都變成流行的極品。

Fred Astaire "Cheek to Cheek"
出現在電影Top Hat由Irving Berlin創作的歌曲,翻唱無數,Heaven/I'm in heaven/And my heart beats so that I can't speak/And I seem to find the happiness I seek/When were out together dancing cheek to cheek....Fred Astaire 原唱,未經remaster的拆聲版本最原汁原味。

Nat King Cole "For Sentimental Reasons"
歌名已經好靚。I love you/for sentimental reason/I hope you will believe me/I'll give you my heart....揀了Nat King Cole的版本,definitive American standard。

Silje Nergaard "Let there be love"
揀了挪威女爵士歌手Silje Nergaard 的版本。唱pop jazz的Silje Nergaard將本已輕鬆躍動的一首jazz standard演繹得更清新、更少女。

Let there be you,
let there be me.
Let there be oysters,
under the sea.
Let there be wind,
and acationel rain.
chilli concarnie,
sparkling champagne.

Let there be birds,
that sing in the trees.
Someone to bless me,
whenever I sneeze.
Let there be cool-cools
a lark and a dawn.
But first of all:
Please, let there be love.
Ohh, love.Ahh, let there be love.
Let there be love.

1 comment:

Noise Kelvin said...

Truly, Madly, Deeply
他們的 "I knew I Loved You"亦同樣動人...