Patrick Wolf這名野孩子,懷著一顆狼的心,在03年推出處女大碟
Lycanthropy(意即由人的變狼的過程或法術),篇首曲"Wolf Song"帶聽者進入月影森寒、魔嘯狼號的中古世界。年紀輕輕的狼孩子竟可寫出"Pigeon Song"如此帶詩意和愁鬱的樂章,流浪漂泊的無定生活讓他看破,而這批他於十幾歲時已寫好的作品,流露的早熟令人吃驚:
I've been going alone to the cinema
I've been stealing all my food
from the electric avenue
now the pigeons gather
round my feeding hand
and we talk til the evening fades
I have learnt how it goes
what you wait for never shows
and what you least wanted
holds you down like a stone
just like a stone
Now I feed the birds
day after day
only they can hear me pray for
a lighter heart
a lighter load
to be moving, moving, moving my way home...

Wind in the Wires是狼之子故事的延續,如Peter Pan般自由自在的狼孩子踏上追尋發現之旅,第一首歌曲"The Libertine"以激昂澎湃的進行曲調子,作出壯懷激烈的宣言。馬戲班裏的女孩、滿肚密圈的魔術師、陰險奸詐的傳道者、行為怪異的遊吟詩人、搭順風車的旅者、破釜沈舟的海盜和指引迷途的吉卜賽人,均是道阻且長的過客;他到過斷崖、攀過燈塔、越過鐵道、探索過纏滿蔓藤的寶屋、佇立於鉛雲密佈的海港,在清清的河口凝望自己的倒影,以及隱現無形的幽靈。這是一頓流動的饗宴,也是日遠天闊、柳暗花明的冒險樂園。
The Magic Position。歷險歸來的狼之子,像羅賓漢一樣領著一班草莽英雄,踢著草鞋、敲著棍子,浩浩蕩蕩地揹著一身叮叮噹噹的戰利品凱旋歸航。他們在馬戲班裏盡情歌舞,踢踢躂躂,迴旋木馬轉出歡樂的泉源,馬戲班女孩是靈感的魔幻女神。狼的孩子不再是在古城倫敦和巴黎流浪、遭人追害和痛苦掙扎的棄童,他的世界有了色彩,因為
It's you
Who puts me in the magic position, darling now
You put me in the magic position
To live, to learn, to love in the major key
It's gonna be a beautiful day
So do the bluebirds sing
As I take your hand
And you take my kiss
And I take the world
'Cause out of all the people I've known
The places I've been
The songs that I have sung
The wonders I've seen
Now that the dreams are all coming true
Who is the one that leads me on through
It's you...