Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rock Profile - C

Camden Town

若說商場名牌滿佈的Oxford Street是倫敦的愛富族天堂,那末市集充斥的Camden Town則展現了另一色的景致。過往這裏滋生出各種的另類次文化,一如紐約的Greenwich Village和巴黎的Left Bank,Camden Town是學生的朝聖地,滿街的歌德衣著,播金屬搖滾的店舖,還有rave culture、的士高和嬉皮士共冶一爐。Punk文化即發源於此,The Clash和Ramones這些傳奇punk rock樂隊當年便是頂著Camden光環在英倫發跡,Britpop樂隊如Blur、Suede和Elastica等都和這裏有過淵源。Camden Town是英國,也可能是世界搖滾和獨立音樂之鄉。

Cunts are still running the world

Jarvis Cocker Solo大碟 hidden track,在05年Live 8表演之後有感而發寫成,據香港音樂人亞里安所指,cunt乃淫婦,和Yahoo!字典解釋一樣。點解咁譯?大概因為文章在報章發表。Cunts係鬧人語,係香港等如鬧人粉皮或仆街。Jarvis批判的既是政客和大商家,如果一齊大合唱"Cunts are still running the world"係好有氣勢,但按亞里安所言,(若換成華語的場景)首歌要唱成「淫婦仍在統治世界」,似乎唔多夠盡興。「班仆街玩撚晒」應該o岩feel好多。

Did you hear, there's a natural order.
Those most deserving will end up with the most.
That the cream cannot help but always rise up to the top,
Well I say: Shit floats.

Cunts are still running the world!
Cunts are still running the world!

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