Tuesday, November 13, 2007
True human goodness, in all its purity and freedom, can come to the fore only when its recipient has no power. Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it.
Her feeling was rather that, given the nature of the human couple, the love of man and woman is a priori inferior to that which can exist (at least in the best instances) in the love be-tween man and dog, that oddity of human history probably unplanned by the Creator.
It is a completely selfless love: Tereza did not want any-thing of Karenin; she did not ever ask him to love her back. Nor had she ever asked herself the questions that plague human couples: Does he love me? Does he love anyone more than me? Does he love me more than I love him? Perhaps all the questions we ask of love, to measure, test, probe, and save it, have the additional effect of cutting it short. Perhaps the reason we are unable to love is that we yearn to be loved, that is, we demand something (love) from our partner instead of delivering ourselves up to him demand-free and asking for nothing but his company.
Milan Kundera, the unbearable lightness of being
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Stranger Than Fiction
“as harold took a bite of bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be okay. sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair, in routine and constancy, in hopelessness and tragedy, we can thank god for bavarian sugar cookies. and, fortunately, when there aren’t any cookies, we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin, or a kind and loving gesture, or subtle encouragement, or a loving embrace, or an offer of comfort, not to mention hospital gurneys and nose plugs, an uneaten danish, soft-spoken secrets, and fender stratocasters, and maybe the occasional piece of fiction. and we must remember that all these things, the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties, which we assume only accessorize our days, are effective for a much larger and nobler cause. they are here to save our lives. i know the idea seems strange, but i also know that it just so happens to be true.”

"Whole Wide World"
When I was a young boy
My mama said to me
There's only one girl in the world for you
And she probably lives in Tahiti
I'd go the whole wide world
I'd go the whole wide world
Just to find her
Or maybe she's in the Bahamas
Where the Carribean sea is blue
Weeping in a tropical moonlit night
Because nobody's told her 'bout you
I'd go the whole wide world
I'd go the whole wide world
Just to find her
I'd go the whole wide world
I'd go the whole wide world
Find out where they hide her
Why am I hanging around in the rain out here
Trying to pick up a girl
Why are my eyes filling up with these lonely tears
When there're girls all over the world
Is she lying on a tropical beach somewhere
Underneath the tropical sun
Pining away in a heatwave there
Hoping that I won't be long
I should be lying on that sun-soaked beach with her
Caressing her warm brown skin
And then in a year or maybe not quite
We'll be sharing the same next of kin
I'd go the whole wide world
I'd go the whole wide world
Just to find her
I'd go the whole wide world
I'd go the whole wide world
Find out where they hide her
Monday, October 01, 2007
Forgetting is the Mercy of God, for it takes away what have been stupid in our lives
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd
with memories erased,
in the purest state
the mind shines like eternal flame,
the deepest, sweetest and long lost sentiment revives,
against the worldly, knotty and dreary tide.
Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
It will astound you
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
Will astound you
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A Thousand Country Roads
If you read it as a sequel, the narrative will disappoint you. There is not much to tell about Francesca, neither is Kincaid's passion towards the Iowa farmer's wife. There is a brief description on the lovers' almost re-encounter on the Roseman Bridge, the trysting place where the romance begins 16 years ago, yet the author never states whether the truck she heard up the hill is Kincaid's Harry(his car's name) heading away. Not knowing and afraid of what would happen when they meet again, the photographer has come to say adieu to his once and only great love, which is epitomized by the bridge.
The author does confirm that between Kincaid and Francesca great love has occurred though in his description, both are not certain whether the feeling sustains in the other's heart after all those years. Yet this is where the suspense lies. In the later years of Kincaid's life, he suddenly comes across a 'son' and a woman he has made love to forty years ago (which is the main part of this story). A new kind of emotion is stirred up, and he is thus filled with guilt and care. He confesses to Carlisle that he has not loved his mother back then (when free love prevails after war), and he instructs Carlisle to burn all his work, including Francesca's photos, for he wants no traces of his life in this world after death.
The author seems to hint at the end, that Kincaid, after meeting his son, desires to take back the will of sending all his personal properties to Francesca. But busying with seeing Carlisle and the mother, he is prevented to do so and dying of heart attack leaves his cameras and the old photos eventually at Francesca's hand. This has already been told in The Bridges of the Madison County but we do not know the details lying in between.
It is thus interesting, as a work of fiction, this two-part romance manifests itself in the form of research work prying into the real life of real people. So what else between Kincaid and Francesca? This is not we should ask about as we would on some simple melodramas. This is what life seems to be. Francesca loves Kincaid to the end but it MAY not be true in reverse. But it is this 'maybe' that gives life so much mystery and secret sparks that shine in the dark, as are stars that shine in our heart, at some epiphany moments for us to remember all through our lives.
Friday, August 24, 2007
二、 八月三日,路透社發自紐約的一則短訊,指出該市女皇書院的研究員在芝加哥、波士頓、明尼蘇達、達拉斯和紐約所作的調查,顯示本世紀以來,二十至三 十歲年階的全職女性,其收入已遠遠拋離同年階的男性(紐約市高百分之十七、達拉斯高百分之二十……);三十歲以上的情況略異,即男性的收入稍高於女性,唯 負責這項研究的社會學教授認為這種差距很快會消失,因為統計顯示近二、三十年來,女性在賺錢上急起直追的勢頭未衰,男性若不「莊敬自強」,很快便會淪為 「論資(金)排輩」家庭中的次等公民。
在先進的文明社會,絕大多數女性不會公開宣稱為金錢而結婚,她們只會「和富家子弟遊但為愛情而結婚」(go where the money is, then marry for love),不過,據游清源數天前提及那本《自然經濟學家》的說法(頁一八三─一八六),一項在八十年代所做的社會調查,顯示女性在金錢上不再猶抱琵琶, 「財政成功」已成為她們選擇對象的一項要素;在這方面,男性比較「落後」,進入新世紀後的數項社會調查,才得出男性亦會考慮結婚對象的財政狀況(主要見www.psychologytoday.com/articles ... 7-000008&page=1)。
男女性都向錢看的趨勢,令婚姻市場的活動非常「有趣」。女性收入提高,等於結婚後生兒育女當主婦的「機會成本」相應上升,加上醫學進步,超齡生產固沒 問題,儲存卵子備用亦日趨普遍,在適婚年齡結婚的女性遂愈來愈少;另一方面,由於女性收入增加,男性更會落力追求。結果也許是同居蔚成風尚而生育率持續萎 縮—法國前總統候選人羅瓦爾與男友同居二、三十年而「大量生產」,雖非孤例卻不常見!

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Verve 重組

The Verve重組,少了Simon Tong。Simon自代替Graham Coxon為Blur作現場演出,現在繼續為以Damon Albarn為首的The Good, the bad and the Queen效力。The Verve最後一張碟Urban Hymns和Pulp的This is Hardcore被視為九十年代英倫「必POP」的最終章回,現在重組,引頸以待。如果Graham Coxon應前隊友等三人呼籲(其實是懇求,Damon一再公開說這名天才結他手不可代替。)回巢,又將會是一樁盛事!
Richard Ashcroft獨自上路,唱片銷量雖好,但總覺平平無奇。希望不要步Suede後塵,萬眾多年期待的神話重組(Brett Anderson+Bernard Butler),換來一場慘澹經營。(Brett Anderson又來香港,但一早已不想看了。)
Urban Hymns出產了史上最偉大搖滾歌曲(之一)"Bittersweet Symphony",當年這個MV真是銳不可擋,Richard Ashcroft如何可以如此酷?
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
好,到真正落場睇,前大部份都在詳細交待博派、狂派前來地球打架,美國國防部緊張應變,一如《天煞》等外星災難戲的鋪排,基本上冇乜交打,只是個別狂派機械人和美軍對戰及音波Frenzy的刺探行為,和博派機械人「大黃蜂」 (Bumblebee)和大學生Sam的交情。笑位反而幾多。
電影對人類科技、軍事技術的描繪好像表現出以往電影沒有的自信,人類對「外星人」不感到莫大的神秘和恐懼,且頗有幽默(例如Sector 7人員成竹在胸的表現),沒有了以往電影那種力有不逮的感覺(大概是由於博派是人類朋友吧)。

Monday, July 30, 2007
Cutie & Sexy
本來在網上要找的是電影Death Proof的片尾曲"Chick Habit",結果找來歌曲原裝法文版"Laisse Tomber Les Filles",同樣由Serge Gainsbourg創作,由一個名叫France Gall的法國女歌星於1964年主唱。Death Proof的版本由美國indie pop女唱作歌手April March(有趣的名字)改編成"Chick Habit",屬1995年作品。兩個版本均是Cutie & Sexy。
"Laisse Tomber Les Filles":
"Chick Habit"@April March's MySpace

France Gall & April March
Saturday, July 21, 2007
好歌(及MV)重溫:When we we're together
已經轉型做田園詩人(或稱英國版區瑞強)的Louis Eliot,十幾年前曾和隊友Johnny Bull以Kinky Machine名義出現,後解體重組成Rialto,帶來一系列充滿電影感的愛情流行曲。Louis細膩達意的歌詞,功力不比Jarvis Cocker遜色。像"Monday Morning 5.19", "Dream another dream", "Untouchable"等,均是同名大碟內的classic pop tunes。第二張大碟Night on Earth,走techno路線,惜掀不起話題,但碟內如"Catherine", "Failing in love", "I drove the car that took my love away",仍是不可多得的一流ballad,纏綿悱惻,猶像一首首愛情電影的插曲。
MV同樣首首精品。"When we're together"講述一名痴情男子日夜跟蹤及偷拍心上女子,如此題材落在Jarvis Cocker手上,會變成如"Pencil Skirt"那種偷窺偷妻的寫實諷刺作品,而在英國Albert Au手上,則變得十分emotional,浪漫和電影化。
烈日正酷,浪漫風暴消逝之時,更覺那首風行一時的"Summer's Over"愁腸百轉。
The lights come on, I track her moves:
locking the door, crossing the room.
She's on the phone again, and when she laughs
I feel my blood rushing - I feel my blood rush to my heart...
I call her up and disconnect, wait by her house once more to check,
stare through the window of her kitchenette,
and then I follow her down underground escalators,
hiding behind my newspaper until the time
when we're together.
So here we are, alone again;
I'm in the dark, she's in her frame, her window bay.
I play the film back through my mind
with a few new scenes I've designed;
maybe I'll write her one or two more lines,
and then I'll follow her down underground escalators,
hiding behind my newspaper
until the time when we're together.
Together, together, together, together...
Together, when we're together,
Together, when we're together,
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Suede "Heroine"歌曲藏毒考及其他
另外,有人認為此歌和妓女有關,蓋歌詞出現脫衣( Discarding her clothes in the plastic flowers...)、色情( Pornographic and tragic in black and white...)及成年( I'm 18, I need my heroines...)等字眼。但翻查網上資料,發現以下這一段link頗為中的,認為歌曲展示的是成長之中對女性概念的形成,如來自瑪麗蓮夢露的黑白艷照,而這些女性,則又是命運悲劇的主角人物。
"The song is based from the Lord Byron poem which begins with the same line, "she walks in beauty, like the night".
This song really doesn't have anything to do with a prostitute. It's more about a boy who is becoming a man (I'm eighteen and I need my heroines) identifying his notions of women with his female idols - who are actresses and pin-up girls pinned to his wall. These women are traditional femmes fatale, as shown by the reference to Raphaella, the pre-Raphaelite princess. Femmes fatale have traditionally shown up in art as symbols of the downfall of men, which is evident by his "dying." Yes, Anderson and Butler are quite arty in their references."
Brett Anderson歌詞:
She walks in beauty like the night
Discarding her clothes in the plastic flowers
Pornographic and tragic in black and white
My Marilyn come to my slum for an hour
I'm aching to see my heroine
I'm aching been dying for hours and hours
She walks in the beauty of a magazine
Complicating the boys in the office towers
Rafaella or Della the silent dream
My Marilyn come to my slum for an hour
I'm aching to see my heroine
I'm aching been dying for hours and hours,
been dying for hours and hours
She walks in beauty like the night
Hypnotising the silence with her powers
Armageddon is bedding this picture alright
My Marilyn come to slum for an hour
I'm aching to see my heroine
Aching, been dying for hours and hours
I'm 18, I need my heroines
Aching, been dying for hours
Oh and I'm never alone now
Now I'm with her
Lord Byron原詩:
SHE walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
好歌(及MV)重溫:We are the Pigs
當年曾遭禁播,作為Dog Man Star第一發single,被認為是商業自殺。(要說商業自殺,suede早有前科,故意將經典作品"My insatiable one"放於"The Drowners"的B-side,才算我行我素,目空一切的舉措。)
豬(pig),是suede最常用的imagery之一。哺乳類低等動物,和狗(dog man star中的"dog")處於進化第一階段,等如革命前夕,處於受壓狀態的無產階級,不願做奴隸的人們,搖身成"stars of the firing line".
以Glam look示人的Brett Anderson的創作力處於顛峰,唱腔發揮也最淋漓盡致。
教堂的鐘聲刺耳得如一響響鑽入耳膜的警笛,由Bernard Butler清晰有力的結他導出,預示執政階層(西方文明?)的墮落。歌曲成於93/94年, 靈感或來自東歐變天,風起雲湧的革命年代。畫面中戴面具的人抬著擔架疾走,令人想起1989年6月4 日。
Well the church bells are calling
Police cars on fire
And as they call you to the eye of the storm
All the people say "Stay at home tonight"
I say we are the pigs, we are the swine
We are the stars of the firing line
And as the smack cracks at your window
You wake up with a gun in your mouth
Oh let the nuclear wind blow away my sins
And I'll stay at home in my house
I say, we are the pigs
we are the swine
we are the stars of the firing line
But deceit can't save you so
We will watch them burn
Monday, July 16, 2007
好歌(及MV)重溫:Fake Plastic Trees 〔補充感想〕
Thom Yorke在錄音室唱完這歌後,崩潰地哭。
Her Green plastic watering can
For her fake Chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth.
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plans.
to get rid of itself.
And It Wears Her Out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out.
She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyrene man
Who just crumbles and burns.
He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins.
And It Wears Him Out, it wears him out
It wears him out, it wears him out.
She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My Fake Plastic Love.
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run
And It Wears Me Out, it wears me out
It wears me out, it wears me out.
And if I could BE who you wanted
If I could BE who you wanted,
All the time, all the time, ohhh... ohh...

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
好歌(及MV)重溫:Chemical World
Damon Albarn...好靚仔...剛脫離"she's so high"時期的柒look,髮線尚未後移...
(題外話:說到「作品」,實不明解何謂DJ口中的「梁詠琪作品」、「鄧麗欣作品」、「黎明作品」或「郭富城作品」,他們的確提供了一把不甚了了的唱腔,但為何總是一個唔該攬下所有credit?他們參與作曲嗎?他們是歌曲監製嗎?他們有任彈奏樂曲的樂器嗎?最重要是,他們會為歌曲或唱片提供創作方向嗎?假如在香港這個還是雷頌德統領的「樂壇」下還有「創作」這回事的話。[不過我想,問題在於雷生沒有抄足全套,他大可學外國創作人"cite influence",那麼他的「作品」也可監粗說成是「二次創作」的「創意產業」。])
"Chemical world"收錄在Modern life is rubbish一碟內,調子較商業化,主攻美國年青市場(不過想來不太成功,要等到"Song 2"才打破缺口),主題和碟名呼應,諷刺現代社會的反天然性質,MV裏的開揚壯闊的大自然景觀,自是有世外桃源,令人心懭神怡,多看有益。
The pay-me girl has had enough of the bleeps
So she takes the bus into the country
Although she got herself rosy cheeks
She didn't leave enough money to pay the rent
The landlord says that she's out in a week
What a shame she was just getting comfy
Now she's eating chocolate to induce sleep
In a chemical world, It's very, very, very cheap
And I don't know about you
But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes
It's been a hell of a do
They've been putting the holes in, yes, yes
Peeping Thomas has a very nice view
Across the street at the exhibitionist
These townies they never speak to you
Just stick together so they never get lonely
Feeling lead, feeling quite light-headed
Had to sit down and have some sugary tea
In chemical world, in a chemical world
It's very, very, very cheap
And I don't know about you
But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes
It's been a hell of a do
They've been putting the holes in, yes, yes, yes
I don't know about you
But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes
It's been a hell of a do
They've been putting the holes in, yes, yes
And now she's found about you
But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes
Well I don't know about you
They've been putting the holes in, yes, yes
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Mr. E又幾有公路feel!
首歌個MV找來Mr. E和戲中演員一齊拍,又幾過癮!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
好歌(及MV)重溫:The Sweetest Thing
My love she throws me like a rubber ball
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
She wont catch me or break my fall
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Babys got blue skies up ahead
But in this Im a rain cloud
You know she likes a dry kind of love
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Im losing you
Hey hey hey, Im losing you yeah
Aint love the sweetest thing
I wanted to run but she made me crawl
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Eternal fire, she turned me to straw
Oh oh, the sweetest thing
You know I got black eyes
But they burn so brightly for her
Mine is a blind kind of love
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Im losing you
Oh oh oh, Im losing you yeah
Aint love the sweetest thing
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Oh oh, yeah
Blue-eyed boy and this brown-eyed girl
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
You can sew it up but you still see the tear
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Babys got blue skies up ahead
And in this Im a rain cloud
You know we got a stormy kind of love
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Oh oh, the sweetest thing
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing
Monday, June 18, 2007
好歌(及MV)重溫:L. Wells
FF的B side一向好聽,這首比Walk Away還好聽啊,MV也拍得很清爽呢。(而且歌詞竟然十分清楚明白,真是難得啊)
Great Western Wind catches in your Celtic hair
Flicks it round your face like flames around the sun
In the bright cold air you seem as innocent and fair
As Rita Tushingham in 1961
Well, Lynsey Wells
How I wish that I could feel so good
I wish that I could be as good as you
Well, Lynsey Wells
How I wish that I could feel the good
Beyond the poison in us like you do
LP records in your little hands
Put them on your little dansette for a dance
All those men sing you'll never walk alone
But you'll never let them break your little heart.
Well, Lynsey Wells
How I wish that I could feel so good
I wish that I could be as good as you
Well, Lynsey Wells
How I wish that I could feel the good
Beyond the poison in us like you do
If you have some sort of secret
If you need someone to tell
You can tell me
Because my memory
Always fails
I will forget
And your secret
Will remain
Yes the secret
Your secret
Will remain
Well, Lynsey Wells
How I wish that I could feel so good
I wish that I could be as good as you
Well, Lynsey Wells
How I wish that I could feel the good
Beyond the poison in us like you do
Thursday, June 07, 2007

蕭伯納 王爾德 但丁莎士比亞 馬奎斯 小仲馬
辛棄疾 矛盾 魯迅 蘇軾
長話盼 盡說短
伊索 屠格涅夫 狄更斯歐威爾 艾可 卡爾維諾
張愛玲 曹禺 老舍 冰心
從未怕 命太短
Sunday, June 03, 2007
咁樣推斷,相信呢班小朋友升中一,佢地的I.S. project,係同解放軍合作,研究中國第一代航空母艦,中二和中國航天合作,研究火星載人探測計劃,到左中三,應該對"I Ching"有透澈了解,中四對人類腦部瞭如指掌,中五通識探討資本主義和自由市場過度發展的後果。「普選」只屬小兒通識科。
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
WTF r u singing??
Friday, May 18, 2007
最中意係呢隻:Flowers in the windows
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Version 2.0

Teddy Picker
"Brainstorm" (first single) :
佢地真係好cute。我中意以前個肥仔貝斯手Andy Nicholson 多D。 以下呢隻"A certain Romance"(來自上一張碟最後一cut),歌詞、音樂同現場一樣咁正。
Well oh they might wear classic Reeboks
Or knackered Converse
Or tracky bottoms tucked in socks
But all of that's what the point is not
The point's that there ain't no romance around there
And there's the truth that they can't see
They'd probably like to throw a punch at me
And if you could only see them, then you would agree
Agree that there ain't no romance around there
And over there there's broken bones
There's only music, so that there's new ringtones
And it don't take no Sherlock Holmes
To see it's a little different around here
Don't get me wrong, oh there's boys in bands
And kids who like to scrap with pool cues in their hands
And just cause he's had a coupla cans
He thinks it's alright to act like a dickhead
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
歌詞雜談 愛變了這世界襯衣?
愛 變了這 世界 襯衣
抽象 抽象 實物
哪裡有愛哪裡會有繽紛盛事(襯衣=繽紛盛事?) 沒有你仍不知
哪裡有你哪裡會有玩意 (襯衣=玩意?) 地點不須介意
Friday, April 13, 2007
POP: I'm Loving it!

"The Angry Mob"。主音Ricky Wilson仍有baby fat,好cute。
"Ruby"。樂隊第一曲細碟冠軍,This is truly POP!誠意推薦。
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've been going alone to the cinema
I've been stealing all my food
from the electric avenue
now the pigeons gather
round my feeding hand
and we talk til the evening fades
I have learnt how it goes
what you wait for never shows
and what you least wanted
holds you down like a stone
just like a stone
Now I feed the birds
day after day
only they can hear me pray for
a lighter heart
a lighter load
to be moving, moving, moving my way home...

剛推出的最新專輯,是顏彩斑斕的The Magic Position。歷險歸來的狼之子,像羅賓漢一樣領著一班草莽英雄,踢著草鞋、敲著棍子,浩浩蕩蕩地揹著一身叮叮噹噹的戰利品凱旋歸航。他們在馬戲班裏盡情歌舞,踢踢躂躂,迴旋木馬轉出歡樂的泉源,馬戲班女孩是靈感的魔幻女神。狼的孩子不再是在古城倫敦和巴黎流浪、遭人追害和痛苦掙扎的棄童,他的世界有了色彩,因為
It's you
Who puts me in the magic position, darling now
You put me in the magic position
To live, to learn, to love in the major key

Monday, April 09, 2007
The myth of "The Look of Love"
-Nick Hornby, High Fidelity
Saturday, April 07, 2007
"Total Eclipse Of The Heart"的法語風情
Once upon a time
I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart.
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart.
具有西班牙和希臘血統的廿四歲法國女歌手Kareen Antonn,於零三年和Bonnie Tyler合作,唱出"Totally Eclipse Of The Heart"的英法雙語版"Si Demain ",一樣得。單曲推出後在法國、比利時和波蘭登上第一位,全球賣出二百萬張。

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
- Nick Hornby, High Fidelity
Carpenters有一首歌,叫"All You Get From Love Is A Love Song",有幾句歌詞,是這樣的:
Oh its a dirty old shame
When all you get from love is a love song
That's got you layin up nights
Just waitin for the music to start
Its such a dirty old shame
When you got to take the blame for a love song
Because the best love songs are written with a broken heart
最揪心的歌,是Bonnie Tyler 的"Total Eclipse of the Heart" 。還有Bryan Adams主唱、電影《天生愛情狂》(Don Juan DeMarco) 主題曲"Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman",看他近年演出,他老了。也許這令歌曲的滄桑味、浪子回頭金不換的感覺更突出。
Thursday, March 29, 2007

源自Graham Greene同名小說的處女大碟England Made Me,第一首歌"Girl Singing in the Wreckage"便已俘虜耳朵。Sarah和Luke Haines彷如夢囈而又帶挑逗的對唱、剝開一層層殘酷現實的歌詞、極其簡單的編曲和悅耳甜美的旋律,無疑是聽覺新體驗。
第二張大碟The Facts of Life,加入電子元素,編曲豐富不少,但第一首的"The Art of Driving"依然極端搶耳,"The English Motorway System"的感情迷霧幻彩、"May Queen"和"The Facts of Life"的少年殘酷物語、尾曲"Goodnight Kiss"的點滴溫馨,樂隊的蛻變帶來商業上的成功。
"The Art of Driving"
第三張大碟 Passionoia 向電子舞曲方向進發,已非樂隊本色,甚有最後一碟味道。 可能埋下Sarah新碟風格的伏線。
袁智聰的Sarah Nixey新碟介紹
Friday, March 23, 2007
"Suddenly", performed by Cliff Richard & Olivia Newton-John.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
時光倒流 無限復活
《時光倒流七十年》(Somewhere in Time, 1980),講述男主角Christopher Reeve(R),在1972


Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Video Socialism
Franz Ferdinand兩張大碟都以一首型爆的歌曲作壓軸,處女同名大碟有 "40'" ,第二張大碟便到連模特兒行天橋都要徵用來做配樂的"Outsiders"。去年香港演出時也出現多名鼓手在歌曲末段集體打鼓的場面,今回在T in the Park更集齊12名鼓手大晒冷,好不壯觀。
除了曾經和以Luke Haines為主腦的Black Box Recorder合作, Jarvis Cocker亦有份參與 The All Seeing I's的大碟歌曲創作。這首"Walk Like A Panther"在已摺的長壽節目Top of the Pops演出,歌曲本身十分accessible,Jarvis的台風一貫精彩,觀眾的反應尤為一流。
加拿大班霸Arcade Fire的現場演出一向扣人心絃,澎湃熱情加高亢唱腔加豐富編排,一行7人在台上各司其職,極具氣勢台型。今回伙拍英國國寶David Bowie,現場氣氛更是磅礡。
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

莎岡(Sagan)的稱謂來自普魯斯特(Proust)的《追憶逝水年華》(Remembrance of Things Past)。1953年,莎岡在巴黎索邦(Sorbonne)大學就讀二年級,考試肥佬,在暑假期間自我隔絕,創作這本令她在下半個世紀成為法國以及全球文化界名人的200頁小書。她其後到訪美國,和Truman Capote等美國作家交流見面。酒精、賭博和飇車,成為她揮霍春青的嗜好。
莎岡筆下的少女Cécile和父親一樣追求自由戀愛,嗜好杯中物,在寧謐夏日的船帆底下和俊美的Cyril偷嚐禁果。小說在1954年出現版後,立即引起震動,19歲的莎岡以解剖式的筆觸、極其簡練的語言,一步步將原本由蔚藍天空和鬱綠葡萄樹畫成的單純世界,推向只會發生在占士甸(James Dean)和格雷絲凱莉(Grace Kelly)身上的悲劇結局。
小說一紙風行,翻譯成廿種語言,賣出200萬冊,令莎岡一夜成名,財源廣進。Bonjour Tristesse於1958年拍成電影,由Otto Preminger執導,黛博拉蔻兒(Deborah Kerr)、珍西寶(Jean Seberg)和大衛尼溫(David Niven)主演。
莎岡成為戰後歐洲年青一代反叛、理想破滅、鬱悶寡歡的象徵。Simon & Garfunkel為電影《畢業生》(Graduate)創作的"The Sound of Silence"便呼應小說,染滿濃濃鬱鬱的傷感氣氛。
Saturday, March 10, 2007
歌詞雜談 林夕.春風
作詞:林夕 作曲:杜自持 唱:彭羚
Friday, March 09, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
MUSE 香港現場實況

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Get the job DONE?
It creates money, but it does not create value.
If not for the erratic time shift, my last job would be satisfactory for me.
Going back to teaching may be an option.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
All You Get From Love Is A Love Song
Beatles "Ask Me Why"
Please Please Me大碟中多首情歌之中,個人最喜歡的一首。
Beatles "Til There Was You"
Beatles "In My Life"
Beautiful South "Song for Whoever"
剛(2007年2月)宣布解散的美麗南方樂團最家傳戶曉的情歌,軟硬曾翻唱。女主音Alison Wheeler的聲線渾厚中帶溫柔,可媲美Karen Carpenter。Cover "Dream a little dream" (金莎廣告版本)證明美麗南方和木匠一樣是翻唱聖手。
Bread "If"
荷馬史詩的backdrop,Intro的感覺像泛漾著記憶的漣漪。保羅麥卡尼的"Here, There and Everywhere"打開了soft rock的篇章,大衛蓋茨(David Gates)創作一系如"Diary", "Aubrey"等曲,加上其極富書卷味的唱腔和聲線,將soft rock的精髓發揮到極致。
Take That "How Deep Is Your Love"
翻唱是一門很難的技藝。香港歌星很多時翻唱,編曲都係好求其,即係淨sell歌星把聲,不覺有什麼誠意,但K歌的編曲都係好求其。"How Deep Is Your Love"原本出現在電影《週未狂熱》之中,拿那的版本其實更好聽,更具有流行的元素,就如木匠翻唱別人的歌,搞出來的成品總比原作豐富,或者令原唱聽起來像demo。
Ash "Shining Light"
Pulp "Something Changed"
鏗鏘的結他,流暢的旋律,在以病態prying eye看世界的Different Class大碟中,這是一首突出的歌曲。
Savage Gargen "Truly, Madly, Deeply"
Darren Hayes的一副好嗓子,唱出《真地狂地深地》這首九十年代我最喜愛的情歌。
Arctic Monkeys "Baby, I Am Yours"
燥動的黃毛小子北極猴子怎麼唱出這樣簡單動人的情歌?這首翻唱作品讓人一聽便喜歡到不得了,成為近半年playlist必備曲目之一。尚未能找到在《麥迪遜之橋》中由Barbara Lewis主唱的版本。
Radiohead "Fake Plastic Tree"
消費主義社會下一闕傷感的情歌。If I could BE who you wanted/If I could BE who you wanted/All the time/ all the time/ ohhh... ohh...分崩離析、疏離冷漠,一絲在世界潮流之中沒頂的微弱愛的呼聲。Thom Yorke在錄音室唱完這歌後,崩潰地哭。
Rialto "Milk of Amnesia"
九十年代Britpop尾聲的一股浪漫風暴。 這首尾曲肯是遺珠之作。超塵出世讓人聽得出神。
Suede "This Time"
B-side作品,Brett Anderson筆下一貫的都市景觀,冬天的灰濛濛,車輛碰撞的塵滾滾,hear the city sounds/see the lonely crowd/in the lazy sun/we're the only one。另一首B-side "Europe is our playground"可說延伸之作。
Diana Krall "Let's Fall In Love"
Rod Stewart最近翻唱此曲,感覺像強姦了這首歌,拜託。"Let's Fall In Love"在1954的電影It Should happen To You出現,伴著Judy Holliday的Jack Lemmon即興自彈自唱,窮小子興奮、愉悅,十分滿足的笑容,和歌曲很配;Diana Krall的版本更refined,陽剛味爆燈的Rod Stewart和此歌的delicate感覺完全out of tune。
Dooley Wilson (in the film Casablanca) "As Time Goes By"
The fundamental thing apply/as time goes by,愛情的本質,歷千萬年而不變,發生了的事情,連上帝也不能抹去。凡望成仙,仙亦思凡,塵世永遠都歡迎有情的人。《北非諜影》中保嘉和褒曼不能有情人成眷屬,但原來亂世兒女,除了愛情,情與義,都可以值千金。
Doris Day
"Por Favor"
一代歌后Doris Day是我心目中最靚聲的diva,清澈優雅的聲線,唱出迷醉微醺的感覺。"Dansero"和"Por Favor"是燈下伴舞極之mellow的選擇。"Again", "Bewitched", "My Young and Foolish Heart", "My dreams are getting better all the time", "Move over darling", "Confess"(duet with Buddy Clark), "Love Somebody" (duet with Buddy Clark)等等等,在Doris的演繹下,都變成流行的極品。
Fred Astaire "Cheek to Cheek"
出現在電影Top Hat由Irving Berlin創作的歌曲,翻唱無數,Heaven/I'm in heaven/And my heart beats so that I can't speak/And I seem to find the happiness I seek/When were out together dancing cheek to cheek....Fred Astaire 原唱,未經remaster的拆聲版本最原汁原味。
Nat King Cole "For Sentimental Reasons"
歌名已經好靚。I love you/for sentimental reason/I hope you will believe me/I'll give you my heart....揀了Nat King Cole的版本,definitive American standard。
Silje Nergaard "Let there be love"
揀了挪威女爵士歌手Silje Nergaard 的版本。唱pop jazz的Silje Nergaard將本已輕鬆躍動的一首jazz standard演繹得更清新、更少女。
Let there be you,
let there be me.
Let there be oysters,
under the sea.
Let there be wind,
and acationel rain.
chilli concarnie,
sparkling champagne.
Let there be birds,
that sing in the trees.
Someone to bless me,
whenever I sneeze.
Let there be cool-cools
a lark and a dawn.
But first of all:
Please, let there be love.
Ohh, love.Ahh, let there be love.
Let there be love.
Monday, February 12, 2007
I chose not to choose life: A rush of heroin to the blood
說這些很掃興了,事實是Trainspotting出版後一紙風行,打入Booker Prize最後十強。
1996年的同名電影(迷幻列車)沒有任何角色進行trainspotting的場景,原著小說倒有所指涉。小說末段有一節題為'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station',文中出現了trainspotting一字。

暴力狂Begbie和主角Renton在火車站遇到一老頭,老頭問:o靚仔,在猜火車呀,o下?(What yis up tae lads? Trainspottin, eh?)
這樣一本小說,說的是流氓爛仔的故事,不可能沒有粗口,在'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' 這節短篇求其抽一段對話看看,幾乎沒有一句沒有粗口,而且幾乎全本小說均是如此。
Bebgie pull us aside n droaps his voice
-Ye ken thit Tommy's fuckin sick?
-Aye. Ah'd heard.
-Go n fuckin see the cunt whin yir up
-Aye. Ah plan tae dae that.
-Too fuckin right. You ay aw fuckin people should. Ah'm no fuckin blamin you Rents, ah sais that tae fuckin Second Prize; ah'm no fuckin blamin Rents fir Tommy. It's every cunt's ain fuckin life. Ah fuckin telt that tae Second Prize.
小說的背景設在八十年代的英國,戴卓爾夫人主政的年代。戴卓爾夫人奉行佛利民的自由市場經濟政策,打倒工會,把國企私有化,開放競爭,為倫敦實行金融大改革,而這個稱為1986年的Big Bang,為英國帶來廿年經濟繁榮,倫敦成為全球第一金融中心兼富豪天堂。代價是社會貧富懸殊加劇,戴卓爾夫人在一片咒罵聲中下台。Trainspotting小說不只一次出現以戴卓爾為揶揄、挖諷對象的性愛場景。Irvine Welsh自己便說'As British society changed under the (Margaret) Thatcher '80s, drugs and drink became less recreational and more a way of life because people had fuck all else to do.'
Thursday, February 08, 2007
副題已經不客氣:An architecturally ruthless city is now wanting some of it past back.
首先是對香港這個城不客氣。開篇談及皇后碼頭,文章說:For a city that has felt few qualms about destroying innumerable lovely colonial structures, it is an odd one to preserve.
然後一箭雙鵰,連天星碼頭也一併不客氣地評頭品足:...[the defenders] have been roused by the destruction in December of the adjacent Star Ferry terminal, another fairly nondescript building...
說到碼頭保衛者的行動,《經濟學人》說這是 'quite an un-Hong Kong fashsion',而且徒勞無功(ineffectual),至於那些「沒有歷史,便沒有明天」的抗議標語,作者認為很 'striking' ,因為香港一向都是靠推倒過去來建築未來的。沒錯,香港是亞洲的金融中心,但作者筆鋒一轉,便說近看一點,香港的建築沒有特色(not distinctive),商場一式一樣。
作者說,包括喜帖街在內,還有一些屬於三十年代、將會遭拆卸的有蓋街市,是香港「肌理的一部份」,可是,這些建築,作者認為大部份都不特別漂亮(not particularly pretty)。正是如此,保衛者才祭出「集體回憶」這面大旗,而不將焦點放在天星碼頭的設計和建築美學上。
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sing for Absolution

至於Muse, 曲風帶著「巴洛克搖滾華麗」(這只是重複某本地樂評人的用語,用字大致如此),其他適用形容詞包括凌厲、激越、搖滾中見古典、發思古之激情,等。近期狂聽新碟中的Starlight,好有公路feel,強勁儲滿電的bassline,如一驅在深藍星空下風馳的Hudson,駛過Jack Kerouac小說On the Road中一段橫越美國東西部捲起滾滾泥塵的公路旅程,心裏懷著一個只有星光知道的秘密。Sing for Absolution.
2) 小品式的From Auschwitz To Ipswich最耐聽,Running the World當然不能錯過。
Monday, January 29, 2007
上星三和另一班舊同事吃過飯,到旺角一間廿四小時(!)VCD舖閒逛,發現95年由奇連伊士活(Clint Eastwood)執導和主演的同名電影,原來一直還未看。女主角梅麗史翠普(Meryl Streep),Autumn Leaves不見了,換來去年Arctic Monkeys翻唱過的Baby I'm yours,還有一列的Jazz Collection。果然是眼淚電影,我看過《風雲人物》(It's a Wonderful Life),因導演Frank Capra的童真和主角James Stewart的憨厚而感動,之後看慧雲李(Vivien Leigh)的《魂斷藍橋》(Waterloo Bridge),對大戰亂世的那種火車站的生離死別特別vulnerable。《麥迪遜之橋》由薄薄171頁的小說拍成長135分鐘的電影,到了中後段一發不可收拾。
電影基本上忠於小說。故事敘述National Geographic的攝影師Robert,和來自意大利、大學時修比較文學後來嫁到艾奧瓦的村婦Francesca 邂逅,由相遇、纏綿到分別,Waller的筆觸平淡帶點erotic,中間夾敘很多Robert的人生和感情哲理,這些在電影中刪去不少,但小說最觸動人的卻在後頭,Robert和Francesca遺下的書信才是最讓人掩卷不能自已。
電影中二人的相遇前前後後的細節較豐富,幾個場面經細微改動,更見sensual。加插的Francesca失控的一段來得突然,但符合人物背景思想;在Roseman Bridge影相的一幕,Robert送上一束野花表謝意但遭Francesca捉弄,也是比小說更有心思。梅麗史翠普演來吸引力十足,是催淚一大因素。小說中Francesca的性幻想和Robert的灼熱的目光,幾乎是一撻即著,篇幅頗為economy,電影著重以表情和動作較多描寫她的樸拙、不懂世故,那一幕失控場景加強Francesca的內心掙扎,到二人在大雨滂沱街頭的最後重遇,她丈夫已回來身邊,情人對望無言,充滿宿命感的無奈,按捺心底的激情,讓我想起Edith Wharton的得獎小說The Age of Innocence......
同樣是世俗所認為的adulterous affair,The Age of Innocence的故事也是個一開始便已注定了結局的隱秘愛情悲劇。十九世紀紐約社會的保守、上流社會的人言可畏、親友圈子的狹窄,男主角Newland Archer即將和未婚妻May成婚,May的表姊、飽歷風霜的Countess Olenska自歐洲回來,Newland才驚為天人......兩個故事不同時空,題材卻相似,而且末段都有一段「第三者」的confession。年老的Francesca伴丈夫走生命最後一程,他滿帶歉意的說"I know you had your own dreams. I'm sorry I couldn't give them to you";幾十年過去,Newland一直未忘Olenska,May原來是知道的,在臨終時,她才開口說一直曉得二人的情事。Responsibility is the word,兩個美好的家庭維繫下來,摧毀的是刻骨銘心的愛情。Robert一直遵守Francesca的請求,終其一生沒有再找她;Newland Archer在May死後才遠赴法國尋Olenska,卻因不忍破壞年青美好的回憶,最終也沒有找她.......
Saturday, January 13, 2007
2007年1月12日,星期五,收到OFFER ,星期一返工,中環上班,五日工,朝九晚五,重回人間。
Friday, January 12, 2007
閉上眼睛 夢遊戀愛中

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
巴黎、爵士樂與的士夠格:A history of Discothèque

保加在法屬的摩洛哥Casablanca擁有一間nightclub,冷峻的保加對褒曼不辭而別一直耿耿於懷,但一日褒曼和丈夫意外來臨,一直跟隨保加的Sam,聽到褒曼那句我見猶憐的經典台詞"Play it again, Sam",再次唱出《As Time Goes By》:
You must remember this,
A kiss is just a kiss,
a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by......


新的舞廳、夜總會轉到地下發展,就像美國非法經營的酒吧,這些夜場所要不停轉換地點,行會員制,顧客要密碼出入,這種新形式的nightclub,便稱之為Discothèque,法文意即"record library",唱片館。現場演出、公開地點的經營太危險,播放由美國而來最新爵士唱碟的Discothèque,很快成為形容同類夜總會的名詞。
1941年,一間地下酒吧Le Discothèque在Rue Huchette開業,專播爵士樂唱碟,為對抗納粹的戰士和普通市民帶來一點逃避現實的撫慰。Le Discothèque的裝潢簡陋,但一杯酒,一支歌,一班同道人,是世上唯一具有人情味的地方。
Monday, January 08, 2007
Rock Profile - D

踏入廿一世紀,dance-rock呈強勢回歸之勢,The Killers, The Rapture, Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party和Scissor Sisters均在商業上取得成功,但這股氣勢能持續多久,視乎這些樂隊之後的專輯能否玩出新花樣。The Killers的第二張大碟令很多樂迷失望,Franz Ferdinand在第二張專輯尋求轉型,The Rapture和Scissor Sisters算是繼續帶來驚喜。唱片公司若只懂重覆公式,dance-rock很快又會成過氣名詞。